I got to hear his voice after 3 weeks! Music to this mother's ears. I had been having a hard time today just missing him and then he called. God's blessing to me today!
He says he is doing ok. He was anxious to hear if we had received his letter and said he had another one on the way. He said, "Everyone just writes like crazy". I can't help but chuckle. He thought no one would write home, especially not him!
He said he has been eating lots of yogurt and Nutri-Grain bars (I could never get him to eat those at home). He says they are "tasty"!
He said the weather there is terrible. He said the mornings are freezing cold because the wind blows all the time. His exact words were, "it is ridiculous how much the wind blows. It never stops"! He said you dress for the cold in the morning but by afternoon you are dying because you are so hot.
He said the routine is setting in and the days are very long. He said they do a lot of marching. Paul asked him if he felt like he had gone in physically prepared and he said "yes - that's a piece of cake"! I guess that's a good thing.
I told him that he had lots of people praying for him and he said tell everyone "thanks"!
That was about the extent of our call tonight. He hung up rather quickly. I was able to say "we all love you" and the last thing he said was, "I love you guys too"!
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for going on this journey with me.
"Proud Mom of an Army Soldier"
Oh so glad you were able to talk with him. Glad to hear he's doing okay. Funny about writing home.