It's here, finally ~ graduation week! Nine weeks tomorrow we said good-bye to Spencer with promises of seeing him at graudation in nine weeks. Nine weeks seemed like an eternity, but here we are getting ready to go see him!
I was really bumming this morning because we hadn't heard from him in 2 weeks, but the day got brighter. Around 2:00 p.m., my phone rang and I looked down and to my surprise it was Spencer! Was I ever glad to hear his voice on the other end. He sounds so good. He said they had been out in the field for 4 days and then when they got back on base they had to start cleaning and preparing for graduation! He said he'd be able to call more now because they get to keep their phones with them!
I asked if there was anything he wanted me to bring him and he said, "yes -Mountain Dew or A & W Cream Soda and Fudge Rounds". I asked him how about if I bring you both Moutain Dew and Cream Soda? His response, "That would be sweet!" (that's my boy)
I thought this was so funny he said, "Hey, Mom, Whitney sent me this picture of her and Taylor - Taylor is wearing one of my shirts. Has he been wearing my clothes?" (I told Taylor not to but he didn't think Spencer would find out). Taylor you're busted! He sounded more like my Spencer during this conversation!
He told me that he just found out today that he would be receiving an Honor Grad Award at Graduation. I guess just a few soldiers get picked to receive this so it's quite an honor. He has excelled in all areas of his training. I know I'm bragging but I can't help it. We are so proud of our Soldier!
Well next time I'm on here I will be posting graduation pictures. Can't wait to share with you.
As always, thank you friends and family for your prayers for Spencer. It has been such a comfort to know so many of you are lifting up Spencer's name to Lord every day. Let's remember all our soldiers in our prayers.
Proud Mom of a U.S. Army Soldier
P.S. It suppose to be in the 80's and 90's in Oklahoma! Could be hot but better than cold in my books!
So awesome that he is getting an award. Sounds like he is doing really well. Love how Tay got busted. Too funny!! Give him our love and let him now how truly proud we are of him. (you are going to have so much fun scrappin')